Senior Environmental Advisor

Donald has worked in the public, private and not-for-profit sectors in Australia and the USA. He is trained in environmental and biomedical science and is an internationally published scientist. In addition to his broad scientific knowledge, he brings to IMEMS finely honed analytical and writing skills, extensive project management experience and the ability to examine problems from basic scientific principles. In keeping with the IMEMS work philosophy, he focuses on understanding the client’s requirements and delivering a practical and timely outcome that represents value for money. He is renowned for preparing precise and easily read reports, even in cases where projects are particularly complex.

Donald works on a project-by-project basis when his specific skills are required. His project expertise includes:

◗ Project management, including commissioning, coordinating and quality control of specialist sub-consultants
◗ Liaison and negotiation on environmental matters, particularly license conditions, with administering authorities
◗ Planning and execution of environmental investigations to meet client and statutory requirements
◗ Preparation of statutory documentation such as Development Applications, Site Based Management Plans and Transitional Environmental Programs
◗ Operations reviews for identification of environmental risk, license compliance issues and improved waste handling and waste reduction opportunities
◗ All aspects of data acquisition, analysis and reporting.